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The Swarmandal typically consists of a hollow, wooden resonating body with a flat surface, similar to a large rectangular box. It is equipped with a series of strings, usually around 15 to 36, which are stretched across the surface of the body. The strings are tuned to specific pitches, typically forming a chromatic scale.

The Swarmandal is played by plucking the strings with the fingers or a pick. The musician can produce melodies and harmonies by selectively plucking different strings, creating rich, resonant tones. It is played horizontally, with the instrument resting on the player's lap or on a stand.

The Swarmandal is commonly used in Indian classical music as an accompaniment to vocalists and other solo instruments. It provides a lush, ethereal background of harmonies and drones, enhancing the overall texture and mood of the music. It is also used in devotional music, bhajans, and folk songs, adding a melodic and spiritual dimension to the compositions.

The Swarmandal produces a warm, shimmering sound characterized by its delicate and ethereal quality. Its strings resonate sympathetically with each other, creating a harmonious blend of tones that can evoke a sense of tranquility and serenity.
